EPIC Audio Video has a few suggestions to help you hurricane-prep your electronics:
Video Record all your belongings and email it to yourself or store video on a cloud based server (incase you lose your phone)
All valuables should be listed on your insurance policy
Large purchase receipts should always be kept secure on a cloud based server as well
Unplug all electronics
Get everything off the floor
Cover everything with plastic
When lightning hits up to a half mile away the electro static discharge in the air will damage electronics or lock them up. There is no stopping it but having them unplugged and breaking the electrical connection helps prevent more damage. and keep in mind most surges come through the TV cable not FPL so if you leave the modem and cable box connected and they get hit, everything connected to them gets hit. Phone lines and electric dog fences are also susceptible to surge!
Power strips are not surge protectors!
Heavy duty inline CATV and Network surge protectors can help protect your electronics. Surge protectors by design are sacrificial. They work less effectively each time they take a surge, even the little ones you don’t notice. If you have old surge protectors, they probably won’t protect you. Inexpensive surge protectors (typically under $1,000.00) use MOSFET technology to tackle surges. They are not designed to take multiple hits. If you experience a big surge you should throw them away and replace them. Power Strips are not surge protectors. Surge protectors are rated in JOULES. The higher the JOULE rating the better it is.
When you have concerns, call us! Our 30+ years of experience in the South Florida makes us an excellent resource to answer your questions!
We have the weekend to get our home in order, our personal belongings secure and the safety plan in place so remember Rule #7 - prepare... don't panic!
